Hillsboro Cemetery

Burial Site Pricing and Burial Policies
Pricing for single burial sites
- $1,500 per gravesite. An individual gravesite measures 5′ by 10′. At the time of purchase, four (4) stone corner markers must also be purchased at a cost of $300. These corner markers are
installed by the cemetery to mark the corners of each site purchased. - Multiple gravesites may be purchased. An entire cemetery lot which measures 20′ by 20′ and contains eight (8) burial sites may be purchased for family needs. Half lots may also be purchased. The price of purchase includes perpetual care of the burial site and all the grounds of the cemetery.
- $2,400 per columbarium niche. A niche measures 12″x12″x12″ with a granite face. The purchaser is responsible for etching names and dates on the granite face. Each niche may hold up to two cremated remains in standard size urns or other containers. All openings of the niche after the first shall be at a cost of $200.
Allowable burials for each individual gravesite
- One casket and one cremated remains container
OR - Two cremated remains in separate containers.
- “Double deep” or stacked casket burials are not permitted.
- No pet burials are permitted.
- Permanent headstones [granite or marble] are required to be installed as grave markers once a burial has occurred. No wooden crosses or markers are permitted. Funeral home temporary grave markers are permitted to remain in place for no longer than six months after burial and then will be removed.
- Funerals and Burials in the cemetery may be held Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and on Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon. No funerals or burials shall be held on Sundays.
Pricing for grave openings
- $1100 per each gravesite opening for a burial, which must be paid before or at the time of burial.
This cost includes closing and filling of the grave and reseeding the ground surface. For a
cremated remains burial, the cost of opening the ground is $600.